




        The main axis of this exhibition, “Waves of Convergence”, is the connection between the craft materials and the works, as well as the creators and the land. In this modern society, traditional craft materials are very easy to be ignored and replaced. Their existence is rather small, but important. A traditional craft material contains the power to fully present a work and tell the whole story behind it. It combines the story of the work and the land and also links the wisdom and strength of the collective. This pattern of manifestation reveals the artists’ attempts to pull themselves away from the work. Instead of emphasizing the individuals excessively, the artists let the craft media voice out the work, which indirectly conveys symbolic significance of the gradual renaissance of the craft media.
        This craft creation is defined as the subject and brand consciousness with self-will rather than an object purely for viewing. The creation of media is also a reinterpretation of the time and space where it is located. It concretely presents the natural aesthetics in the space by disassembling the media elements and creating fiber lines in the space and also echoes the current perception and thinking by applying the local process materials creatively to activate the design energy.
        “Waves of Convergence” explores individual creation by means of “perceptual artistic creation” and “rational design rules” that collide with and pull each other in chaos, thereby stimulating creative inspiration and talent and finding the way out for the life. Designs and works are expressions and presentations of emotions through exploration and reflection, under the blend of perception and reason. Presented from light and shadow, as well as airflow and time, the whole exhibition makes the audience feel the virtual and real boundary of space and dialectics between the subject and the object.

/展覽活動 /Exhibitions /

(1) 工藝材質復育工作坊
(2) 【凝結的浪】臺東工藝材質復育展
(3) 大型裝置藝術
(4) 苧麻及瓊麻復育種植

(1)Craft material rehabilitation workshop
(2)“Waves of Convergence”Taitung Craft Material Rehabilitation Exhibition
(3)Large installation art
(4) Ramie and eucalyptus replanting

/工藝材質復育工作坊 /Craft Material Rehabilitation Workshop /


/【凝結的浪】臺東工藝材質復育展展覽介紹 /“Waves of Convergence”Exhibition introduction

展出藝術家:劉鑑青、黃冠菱、林戎依、廖琳俐、黃冠菱、恆麻・繁、郭大維、孫青田、曾詩云、黃子定、劉奕伶、許文瀚、陳宥丞、周夢嬋 。

展出設計師: 吳姿瑩(工坊、新秀獎)、Kamaro'an住下ㄎ來吧、郭大維、王美又、林詣祖(工坊)、呂宗翰(工坊)、邱春女。

裝置藝術設置藝術家:鄭元東 。


Exhibition place: Taitung Art Museum - Dawenchuang Classroom
Exhibition date: 108/08/20-108/09/08
Opening hours: 09:00-17:00
Opening time: 108/08/20, 14:00

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書籍出版 視覺設計 展場規劃 策展團隊


