( Don Don Hounwu )
台灣 (太魯閣族)
東冬.侯溫,太魯閣 (Truku) 族,出生於台灣花蓮縣秀林鄉銅門 (Donmong) 部落,「東冬」意指可愛的孩童,是部落文化發展中,新穎且特別的名字,「侯溫」則是源於父親的古老名字,象徵銳利的刀鋒。「東冬‧侯溫」是當代與傳統的結合,也體現出他幽默性格及嚴肅創作態度的對比,矛盾的元素不斷撞擊揉和。東冬曾說:「期待淬鍊出來的刀,是把可以守護孩童純真心靈的刀,是把足以開創璀璨未來的刀。」
Dondon Hounwu was born to the Donmong Community of the Truku Tribe in Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan. The name “Dondon” means a lovely child and is a novel and unique name in the development of tribal culture. The family name “Hounwu” is an ancient name originating from the father, which symbolizes the sharp edge of a knife. “Dondon Hounwu” is a combination of the contemporary and the traditional and reflects the contrast of his humorous character and serious creative attitude, as well as the constant collision and blending of contradictory elements. Dondon Hounwu said, “I expect that the quenched knife is a knife that can guard children’s innocent hearts and a knife that can create a bright future.”
Dondon Hounwu in recent years has combined video, devices, behavioral exhibition, and other art forms to convey real life experiences in-depth and to reflect upon contemporary significance, especially through the transformation and links of language. Dondon Hounwu looks back on the past to explore the differences between the way people looked at life and nature at that time and the values of the contemporary time, as well as to reflect on the balance between perfection and decay.
BBRBAR-波波跋(太魯閣語:那些碎的聲音)BBRBAR (meaning “those broken sounds” in Truku language)
Migrating across mountains and rivers, with firewood burning bamboos and wood, following the direction of streams, along the pulses of mountains, who are the people drifting from the ancient nature to this rapidly replicating and changing space, like illusory shadows?
We can only hear the shredded, slight and fragmented sound, but cannot see any movement. It is just like a nearly submerged island floating on the sea in tranquility and like ash-covered hills with highlighted lines. The only impression is the pot symbolizing family inheritance, flashing with the once beautiful patterns before quiescence. Is it the fading of the color, or was there no color at all?
What is dilapidated? What is perfect?